Puppy Obedience And Leash Training
Your puppy needs clear and consistent boundaries, and you should start puppy obedience training as soon as they arrive. Puppy training should be fun for you and your puppy, and the most effective way of doing this is in short, frequent sessions.
Trust and consistent routines are very important in helping your puppy feel confident they can rely on you. It’s important that your entire family use the same signals to reassure them, thereby reducing the chance of confusion.
Positive rewards and encouraging good behavior, rather than punishing your puppy with physical force, will help you foster a strong bond, mutual respect and a rewarding relationship.
At the age of 3-4 months your puppy will begin to respond to their name. You can introduce them to basic puppy obedience training and simple exercises to help teach commands such as “come,” “sit,” “wait” and “down.”
Be patient and consistent; your puppy will be easily distracted, and it may take time before they fully understand what you require them to do. Practice repetitions in a calm environment and use positive reinforcement. Puppies have short attention spans, so keep training sessions brief but frequent and keep focus on making training a game.
Hold a small treat close to their nose (do not allow the puppy to snatch the treat from your hand) and move it slowly back over the eyes so the nose rises up. Your puppy’s body should go into the sit position naturally. As soon as they sit, give the treat. Praise simultaneously and apply the verbal command “sit.”
Hold the treat in front of your puppy’s nose; slowly move it toward the ground and in between the front paws. This should encourage them to lie down to get to the treat. As soon as they lie down, give the treat, praise simultaneously, and apply the verbal command “down.” The positive and rewarding methods you have already employed can be reinforced with consistent sound, such as a clicking device which will help build self-confidence and help your puppy make good decisions. They will learn to associate good behavior with a sound rather than solely relying on your guidance.
Your puppy should be accustomed to the collar but will need to be introduced to being on a leash gradually. It’s a good idea to start in the house or backyard.
Place some treats in the food bowl a few feet away and allow your puppy to walk on the leash alongside you to the bowl, gradually increasing the distance.
Try a treat in your hand next to the puppy and walk along with a loose leash, encouraging them to walk forward by using the treat as a lure.
Do not allow your puppy to snatch the food and only reward them when they are walking with you in the required position.